Guidebook: LinkedIn in your pocket.
Along with LinkedIn's strong growth, whether for a long-time member with LinkedIn or for a newcomer, no one can deny the status of this social network in supporting self-development or in becoming a development platform for business.
It is for these reasons that using and exploiting LinkedIn so effectively becomes an issue that many LinkedIn users currently care about. Smart users are someone who knows how to use all the advantages that LinkedIn can bring to achieve success.
That's why Guidebook: LinkedIn in your pocket is compiled. The handbook sent to you is a collection of tips to become a master in using LinkedIn and gain your goals.
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What you will find in this book?
This is not a guide for you to use LinkedIn because LinkedIn already has support for this.
This is just the experience of people who use LinkedIn over the years collecting it to give you a look when building your own path on LinkedIn social networking.
We wish you happy using LinkedIn!
Is this book for you?
If any of these points apply to you or your business, then this book is for you.
You are a user of LinkedIn
You are a talented recruiter looking for worthy candidates
You are a dynamic salesperson looking for a potential market
You are an experienced marketer who wants to experience challenges on a professional social network
NutSales ebook in hand
What will you find inside
NutSales ebook cover
Chapter I: Everyone needs to do this on LinkedIn
Topic 1:Let’s make your profiles stand out from the others!
Topic 2:Get close to your targets in LinkedIn with boolean search
Topic 3:How to write a personalized LinkedIn connection request?
Chapter II: LinkedIn tips for Sales
Topic 1:What is the perfect profile a sales rep needs to have on LinkedIn?
Topic 2:Salespeople should do this every day on LinkedIn
Topic 3:B2B Sales on LinkedIn
Chapter III: LinkedIn tips for Marketing
Topic 1:Let’s start your company page!
Topic 2:Way to boost your company page interaction
Topic 3:Content is King!
Chapter IV: LinkedIn Tips for Recruiting
Topic 1:Top 5 killer LinkedIn tips for the beginners at recruitment
Topic 2:3 Steps to refresh your LinkedIn recruiting strategy
Topic 3:How to write a personalized LinkedIn connection request?
What our readers think
Don’t take our word for it!
I will recommend this to people who have to do the entire revenue generation process themselves and feel they need to get more value from LinkedIn
Shania Taylor
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